My oncologist at the James Cancer Center at Ohio State said I didn't need them either. My margins were 1.5 and My oncologist locally argued with him that I did need it. I ended up with 2 more surgeries at Ohio State and came home to get my teeth all removed, rads and chemo and the rad seed implants in my tongue,.they don't always know what is best as I learned fast. Lost 70 lbs along with all the treatments and have only gotten back 10 lb back. But I had to have an anneurysm repair that could only be half finished . I am waiting to find out when we do the lower end of it. THat Dr wanted to let them take care of the Cancer then take his turn. LOL I am cancer free right now. I have to get my esophagus scope because I have Barrets Esophagus too. THat is precancerous and can appear at any time..Already had surgery on it in 1996. I live an exciting life LOL

Since posting this. UPMC, Pittsburgh, Oct 2011 until Jan. I averaged about 2 to 3 surgeries a week there. w Can't have jaw made as bone is deteroriating steaily that is left in jaw. Mersa is to blame. Feeding tube . Had trach for 4mos. Got it out April.
--- Passed away 5/14/14, will be greatly missed by everyone here