Daughter caregiver, you're going to get a lot of different opinions about this. My experience was you won't get alot from your ENT as this isn't his or her field. People react differently to the treatments but most of us do share common side effects and those aren't any fun. I personally don't think you need to hear about all those on the front end of your meeting with the RO. If her journey through radiation is typical you might expect the following:

(1) Have your RO explain the procedure and tell her about the "mask". This can't freak anybody out and I wish I knew beforehand what was coming.
(2) She's likely to lose sense of taste by 3rd week . . . again varies for each individual. Food takes on a metallic or paper mache taste so you lose your appetite. Weight loss can become a big problem so you should be prepared to hear about the "PEG" or feeding tube. Allows the patient to stay hydrated, get in calories and nutrients and meds without swallowing which becomes very difficult by the 4th and 5th weeks. I personally am a big supporter of the tube.
(3) Pain medication will be made available via "magic mouth wash", oxicodine. and the fentanal ( sp? ) patch which is morphine. Never knocks you out in la la land but does take the edge off.
(4) Learn to take "one day at a time"! Just no way to hurry up the process or healing period thereafter. You'll need to encourage her to get through it as there will likely be times when she wonders if she can take it. The RO can make adjustments to the rads and he'll obviously be following her process and reactions very closely. I had a poster and Xed each treatment off in a countdown.

I hope your RO will be upfront that it's going to be "tough" but not go into too many details. I have yet to see one patient on her say that he or she sailed through these treatments without some rough seas. I write this to you to give you an idea of what to expect and not so much as to share with her. She needs to heal fully from surgery and go into radiation with postive attitude. Sorry, starting to ramble now. Know that you've come to the right place for future guidance. My best,


Bill . . . SCC - originated in right tonsil, drifted into neck ( 28 lymph nodes removed - one positive ). Radical neck dissection in September 07, completed 34 radiation tx on January 4, 2008. Used Peg. Non smoker, 61, good shape, no previous health issues. Second year PET scan - "all clear".