I can't seem to accept my MEC diagnosis and upcoming neck resection.I understand the surgery. I worked in the OR until arthritis put an end. I've dealt with ravages of severe arthritis for almost 30 yrs.I have managed to adjust and still keep my sense of humor.I've always fought back before so I'm surprised at the way I feel. "If I ignore it, it will go away." I could sit and read all day. I will have the surgery.Just worried.

2/09 MEC Rt Submandibular Gland,Tumor Exc,age 68; 4/09 Rt Neck Resect, Excise Rt Lingual Nerve, 10 nodes; 1 month later- Lge Abscess Drained 5/09; 4 more cancers, final path report; 6/09 IMRTx33