Thanks all. My apologies for the delay in responding. Nothing has happened since like this, just a stroke which they said was a stroke, then not a stroke and now no definite answer. Then we had a blood infection and then no infection... and no clear answers on what the surgery found or how it went and then waiting two weeks to find out three nodes removed were also infected and issues with the mass being close to carotid artery... oh boy, this is hard. Definite mental issues seem to have started... pulling out tubes, then cutting them with scissors on another day, trying to eat things when not meant to eat anything, fighting with nurses and now dealing with trying to leave the hospital. Yet the drs and nurses aren't concerned - are you kidding me? A 76 y/o who clearly can't look after herself. So frustrating yet the professional folk state if she is of sane mind they can't stop her. And how does putting hospital equipment into your bag to leave add up to a sane mind, never mind everything else that has happened? Something else has to be going on, yet it seems they are blind to this. How can one make others see issues when they clearly exist and get help? Its a struggle for sure.

Thanks... just venting! smile