Thanks everyone for the advice. The doctor said the wound was healing but in a "different direction" than the rest of the area! I am still kinda puzzled on that one - but the doc did say he could resume doing his swim therapy. John still feels tired - but the doctor didn't seem too concerned about that either. He really made no comment one way or the other. John on the way back home this evening did manage to eat a Burger King cheese Whopper sandwich and a fish that was good to see! I know the nutritional value of fast food is not good, but at least it does offer necessary calories to help get some strength back. He can eat solids as I mentioned - just not as much as he used to, and some foods are still definitely "off limits" such as chocolate, spices such as ketchup (still burns! along with mustard - another big no-no!), snacks such as chips and anything too hard and crunchy or on the dry side - including french fries. I imagine like everything else - it takes a lot of time, and a lot of effort on the body in the healing mode. Heck, I am pooped and want to sleep even with a simple cold - I can just imagine how it is with potent treatments such as the radiation, and having surgery a little over a month ago. Anyways, if anything new - I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks again for the advice - and good wishes to all of you in the recovery journey.
