
We all recover at different paces. I finished txs 11-4-08 and the following 3 to 4 weeks was horrible. Presently, I can get out of the house and do errands and such, but, anything physical kind of beats me up. I do seem to have aches and pains I never had before or if I did they are definitely magnified since tx. As for talking some days are better then others. And my nutrition is through VHC and soups; although, my taste is getting a lot better...I just have to get use to the texture. Thick mucous, gagging, loss of speech(3 1/2 weeks), sore mouth, sore jaw, dry mouth, no facial hair, liquid diet, lost 45 to 50 pounds--I was pretty much a text book example before, during and after tx.

I wouldn't think about April, that's too far away...just take it day-by-day in baby-steps for the time being. Concentrate on getting through these txs.

7-16-08 age 37@Dx, T3N0M0 SCC 4.778cm tumor, left side of oral tongue, non smoker, casual drinker, I am the 4th in my family to have H&N cancer
8-13-08 left neck dissection and 40% of tongue removed, submandibular salivary gland & 14 nodes clean, no chemo, IMRTx35
11-4-08 Recovering & feeling better