I joined this forum last night after being super paranoid by a sore tongue and looking around the internet for help. I have to agree that the worst part of this entire ordeal is the fear of recurrence.

I've only been in remission for a couple months and this week marks the second scare I've had. I burnt my tongue on some hot coffee the other day and have become paranoid that the persistence of the burnt area is the cancer returning. (I already have a regular check-up scheduled for next week, so unless this gets worse, I figure I'll just wait for that.)

The first scare I had actually turned out to be a small piece of gauze that got stitched into the side of my tongue during surgery. A little light-colored mass sticking out the side of my tongue a few weeks after surgery about scared me to death, but when I went in to see the ENT about it he seemed to find it quite funny. I suppose in retrospect it was.

Good luck with your MRI/biopsy! I hope the lump really is just a lump. smile

9.29.08: Dx @ 24 w/ T2 SCC, tongue
10.14.08: Partial gloss. & r. neck dissection. Margins/nodes all clear. No HPV. No rad.
10.06.09: Recurrence in l. lymphnode
11.16.09: L. neck dissection + lost nerve XII
12.28.09: 33xIMRT w/ concurrent 3xCisplatin (no PEG)
02.15.10: Done with treatment!