After my first, chemo,I've got infection on my head-but they gave me special shampoo and antibiotic so now is really very good my head looks much much better stoped iching. I have also rash on my neck and chest I mean in one week I have rash on my neck next week i have on my arms. I can have rash all that stuff but my horrible side effect is pain in my mouth,some sores- sometimes I have big pain in my mouth so I have problem with eating.My lips are swollen and my cheek.I ask my nurse why I have this side effect I should't have but she told me that I have my radiation few months ago so It's normal.
I have my good and bad days,sometimes I feel weak and tired and on the next week I have a lot of energy.I can say that I feel not so bad.Suemarie I'm also prayinf for your husband,I am sorry that he is so sick. I also feel fear because I have 3 chemos left,and then I will have my ct scan and really I would like to hear that my cancer is shrinking-but who knows.Like I said I have only 25 years and so many things to do,I don't want to hear that they can't help me.But come one I have to keep thinking positive that everything will be ok:)