Today I went to our dentist and found that as a result of Jack's case he has added velscope screening. All patients are given a form to sign when they come advising them of the screening option that they either sign for or waive.

I have never been so happy to see a blue light special. Of course our dentist is continuing to do regular exam screenings but it's a way of making his patients more aware of oral cancer issues and I think it's great. I talked another patient into it in the waiting room.

The only symptom Jack had was a mild sore throat and what we thought was a swollen lymph node about 2 weeks before his diagnosis. No one missed anything, there just wasn't a big leision to see upon a visual exam until it was advanced. This is a large practice so if some other patient is diagnosed in an earlier stage then it feels to Jack like he's made a difference.

Some days we're pleasantly surprised.
Regards JoAnne

JoAnne - Caregiver to husband, cancer rt. tonsil, mets to soft palate, BOT, 7 lymph nodes - T3N2BM0, stage 4. Robotic assisted surgery, radical neck dissection 2/06; 30 IMTX treatments and 4 cycles of cisplatin completed June 06.