Please go to the additional resources page of the main web site. One there choose the topic heading that says databases. One of the very first listings there is a link that it titled, "best hospitals". You will now be taken to a list of the top 50 cancer hospitals in the US, updated every 6 months. MDACC is at the very top of the list. If you read through how they come to their listing order, there are many factors, not the least of which is survival rates. In all this, two things to remember. One that the disease is very unforgiving of half measures, or incomplete primary treatments. The second is that you only get one chance to make the best choice that you can. If you choose MDACC there are inexpensive fully equipped apartments for rent right next to the hospital that social services can hook you up with for the couple of months you will want to be there if you do not have family or friend in the immediate area. For me that was the hot set up. The top ten are full of hospitals ion the east coast if you have family in that area, any one of which I would feel good about going to. I was diagnosed in November and went through treatment in Dec and Jan with a return for surgery in Feb. Winter in Houston is way better than winter in the north east. I went to treatments in jeans and a T shirt.... way better than slushing though a couple feet of snow... and cheerier to be in during a depressing time.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.