Is there a possibility of sub-leasing? Or is there a possibility that your landlord has a heart - meaning would he consider your situation? Or maybe if there's any room at all you can take in roommate(s) to help out?

Are the dogs big? I know that taking care of them can be a problem, but even more so if they're big, like mine. Do you have a friend/friends or siblings who could help out with them? I watched my brother's dog for six months while he traveled and she was no trouble at all. But then I have a fenced-in 1/2 acre back yard for them to run around in.

When cancer strikes a family, loving families band will together for the fight. (Yes, I know there are exceptions, and my heart breaks for those.) I hope they can help you. Just to get the financial off your mind so that you can focus on fighting this battle would be a Blessing.

Good luck,


SCC part glossectomy 3/06, recur 8/06 glossectomy, floor of mouth, part of jaw removed, RT/chemo thru 10/12/06, PET clear 7/08
"A bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you fail to make the turn"
Passed away 12/14/08