did my 6 weeks of chemo then 7 weeks of radiation and more chemo. Now they are going to biopsy the tonil base of tongue and tet it right away right there and if it i negitive they will give me a neck disection if not nthen they wake me up and i guess plan a bigger operation. Has anyone had the operation like this after rad and how long a recovery i just started eating again it been a month since rads ended now there gonna mess me up again.

Tonsil into base of tongue 3to4cm tumor. Giant lemon sized 9cm lymphnode. Squamos cell carcinoma
April 5 diagnosed. June 5 started treatment. Cetuximab Carboplatin Paclitaxel once a week for 6 weeks.Then 7 weeks of radiation plus chemo cisplatin then 4 weeks rest then neck disection was Nov 7 2008