
I have lingo issues with this site. Please Explain SCC - Stage 1, so I can begin to discuss things like all you professionals.

I am happy to hear you went 13 years without re-occurrance. I was really praying it would not come back at all. Am I crazy to think that? or is it inevitible???

Terminal Paranoia is definitely what I have. It is not always fast to get the Doctor. He just happens to be on vacation, so i had to wait almost a month!!

I am hopeful and prayerful every day. There is so much going on in life, I really don't have time for all this.. Doesn't that sound crazy? How in the world do any of us have time for Cancer or anything near it.

I oversee health issues for 3 80+ loved ones, and don't really have time to be sick or 'down for the count' . I need to do anything to stay healithy, they need me. !!

You are in my thoughts and prayers.

SCC - Early detection. 1/4 of Tongue Removed, left side. Following carefully.