It's been forever people, but I've been in the background since DJ was diagnosed with stage III tonsil cancer in 2002.

We had a horrible time, but he straightened out and was cancer free until Sept. 2007 (chemo with rad).

He had to have his vocal cords and tongue removed at that time (9/07). The last thing he said to me was "Now, don't you cry." I couldn't give him that.

He has since had to have the opposite side of his neck dissected, but he's the toughest person I've ever met. He went back to work full-time in June, and now I'm the one crashing.

Is there anyone else out there who has ever dealt with this?
I would love to talk to you.

Stage III tonsil, Dx 8/14/2002,chemo and rad...reoccurance 8/3/07,Base of Tongue,vocal cords,stage IVA,total larynectomy and glossectomy 9/4/07 with pec flap...reoccurance Nov. '08 and Feb. '09 (positive margins remained after each operation) Second pec flap May 7, 2009. Still positive margins.