
Tell Callie to stay on top of the pain after surgery. Surgery to the tongue is very painful and if she doesn't take her meds it will become even more painful. My sister had surgery to her tongue twice(had maybe 1/4 removed), the first time she tried not to take the pain meds until it really got bad, but by then it was even more difficult to get under control. By the time she had the second surgery she knew to take the pain meds right away, before the pain was out of control. I went much better. She was the type who never had to take any meds most of her life, so didn't want to until it became necessary. She learned that getting pain under control early is important to healing sooner.

Good luck to Callie and your are a true friend to help her .


Caregiver to sister Connie, dx 2005, scc tongue, 4 surgeries inc. radical left side neck dissection 7/06, 35 IMRT, and 7 cisplatin 2/07, passed away 8-11-07, 51 yrs. young, fought with courage, strength and grace, found peace on her new journey.