[font:Century Gothic]I was given my news on 6th of August following a whirlwind week of denial.

SCC at the base of my tongue and right tonsil.
BOT = T3N1M3 (Does this jive with a Stage IV characterization?)

I have been complaining about an earache since March. I went to the ER, family practice and Dentist chasing my pain which kept moving around my head and neck. I was sent home with anti-biotic for an ear-infection. During my annual physical in June I convinced my physician to give me an ENT consult since the earaches were returning. July 28th the ENT found a lump at the base of my tongue. He asked for an MRI and PET scan ASAP. The MRI went on the 31st and the PET scan on the 4th followed by surgery on the 6th.

Today I met with the Chemo and Radiation specialists. Tomorrow I see the dentist, speech therapist. My wife and I can both say this is our most miserable day together. The Tumor board will gather Thursday A.M. I expect to begin treatment on 25 August given no dental issues or PEG installation problem.
I was told to expect Cisplatin & IMRT daily X 33.

I am getting over the "why me?", I know that I have cancer but it will not have me.

I am happy to land on this site. Looking at bad-statistics was ruining my week. I have far too much income tax to pay before I go.[/font]

Bill age 47 at Dx, non-smoker

1st DIAG: 8/06/2008 SCC BOT T4N1M0

2nd Diag 10/14/09 Mets in lungs

3rd diag 06/23/2010 Primary Site malignant
Hemi-glossectomy July 2

In surveillance post re-IMRT and Carbo. Lots of scar tissue, hi-FDG Uptake on PET, no lump. Feel Fine, CLEAR for now.