As most of you know, our daughter was married a month ago. We got a card from the new couple yesterday that I have to share with all my friends here on OCF

"Daddy & Marcy,

We love, admire and appreciate you both so much. You will never know how much it meant to us to have you at the wedding....especially you Daddy.

There was a time that I thought I may not have my Dad to give me away to my husband, my best friend. I'm not a religious person, but I thank GOD every day I have you. You're still the "Man" in my life, just have to share the seat now! I loved you first, just like our song said.
We love you both more than words can say
Kaidy & Chris"
(insert sounds here of a proud Father sniffling, and pretending it's seasonal allergies)

Life moves's not always an easy road, but DANG, it sure is a good ride!!!!!!!!!!

SCC left mandible TIVN0M0 40% of jaw removed, rebuilt using fibula, titanium and tissue from forearm.June 06. 30 IMRT Aug.-Oct. 06