Dr Mike

Thanks a million - your post has helped make me feel so much better. You're right about teeth dying for no reason (of course you're right, you're a dentist and I'm ... not a dentist) and my history has been no pain associated with abscessed teeth, so I'm not sure why I expected screaming pain with this one.

I'm not sure if you meant another antibiotic on top of the clindamycin, but as the clindamycin seems pretty potent, I'll stick with it unless I have a reason to switch.

I'm still going to see the ENT, just because I want an additional voice in the mix. I have an endo appointment for early next week and I expect I'm staring down two root canals -no surprises there. If I were to write a book, its title would surely have to be When Bad Teeth Happen to Good People.

Thanks again so much for your insights and input - very helpful.

Brian - for what it's worth, I didn't take your comments regarding therapy as anything more than you being snarky and flippant, neither factor problematic in my eyes. I can't imagine someone with your knowledge and experience would question the validity of therapy. Questioning its helpfulness to you personally is your g-d-given right, however...