Hi. My name is Amy. My Mom is 61 years old and was recently diagnosed with tongue cancer.Prior to the cancer, she was a totally healthy women. She found a white spot on her tongue 21 years ago. It was tested and came back negative. She has had it check thru the years and recently she had a tumor develop on her tongue. Her oral surgeon had a biopsy done on it and it came back Cancer. We were all shocked and didn't know what to think. Her doctor told her she could have surgery to remove the tumor. She did not hesitate and on April 10, 2008 she underwent a 10-12 hour surgery. The doctors removed half of her tongue and 2 lymph nods. There were a few smaller ones they left because they were to small to get out. They said the radiation and chemo should kill them. On May 21, 2008 she started her treatments. She has a feeding tube so that she can get the protein and calories she needs to stay strong. The doctors were very hopefully that after 7 weeks of radaition and 3 shot of chemo she would be fully recovered.
Well on Wednesday of last week, we found out that the small nod they didn't remove is growing very aggressively. Surgery at the moment is not an option. So now My Mom has to have raditaion 2 times a day on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. She is also having a new drug the day of her chemo treatments.That is in addition to fluids 2 days after her chemo treatments. It is extremely hard on all of us. My Mom is our strength and rock.
To top all of this off, I am 18 weeks pregnant with my second child. We found out I was pregnant about 2 weeks before she found out she had cancer. I have a 5 year old son currently and its hard not to let him see me cry. My husband keeps telling me to keep my stress level down because it is not good for me or the baby, but it so hard. I am more worried about my mom. Right now she is my top priorty and I know my health and my baby's health should be.
All we can do is keep praying that God will give her the strenght to fight this horrible disease. And that she will be in remission soon.