I have a scar through my lip, down my chin and under my neck and also from a trach. My chin stays swollen from lymph fluid and I keep massaging every day. If I do not, it gets bigger. I wear a turtleneck even in the summer. The worst part is that part of my jaw is missing so my chin juts in under my top lip and I cannot hide that. I still talk to people and work every day and go on like I can hide it, but when I look in the mirror, I want to cry.
I just remember my 2 sons and my loving husband and try to be brave with it for them. I also remember the days when I thought every day was my last, and how sick it felt in my stomach.
I try now to be happy that I am here, and I get excited over the little things.
I get to go to my son's graduation from Johnson & Wales this weekend and I am so excited. A road trip with my family and a very happy one at that.
I quess just a day at a time. I wish I had talked with someone, but I never did. You sound like you are taking control of it.
The advice that it will look better in time is good advise. My doctor says one day I will wear v-necks again. I don't believe it for a minute though, but I will wait and see.
Take good care of yourself and I hope you will find some good advice.

Partial mandibulectomy and neck dissection 2/3/07. T2NOMO.
Had 14 hour operation which included reconstruction of jaw.
Reconstruction failed. Some radiation, no chemo.