
Oh I am so glad they didn't find cancer in your biopsies! What a great blessing. I agree with others' comments. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion.

I live in Richmond,VA and have been very happy with my doctor. I would certainly give you his name if you wanted it.

I also had a barium swallow test. That might be good to. They seem to be able to tell a lot from that.

Good luck and let me know if you want my ENT doctor's name.

Praying for you to have peace and rest.


SCC of tongue removed 3/07 mod. left neck dissection. Tumor reappeared 6/07. Removed 8/07, right neck dissection, free flap from wrist for tongue graph. Radiation 30 (IMRT), chemo cisplatin 4 rounds finished 11/07.