Hi All,

I haven't posted here in a long time. My husband is now 3-1/2 years out from diagnosis, long past treatment, and is doing well. I was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer 5 months after his treatment ended, and I'm also cancer-free and doing well.

I was looking around to see if others had posted about long-term appetite problems but didn't run across this particular concern. My husband seems to lose his appetite fairly quickly and this has been going on since post-treatment. He will eat, maybe 300 calories or so, and then feel quite full. In a few hours, he'll be hungry again. He seems to attribute this more to appetite rather than ability to eat. He can eat pretty much everything but does have the chronic dry mouth problem.

Do others experience this as well? Does the lack of saliva affect the digestion in a way that causes a more rapid feeling of fullness? I'm sure the slower eating speed might also contribute.

Thanks much,


Wife of Jerry - Dx. Jan '05. SCC BOT T1N2BM0 + Uvula T0N0M0. Stg IV, Surg on BOT and Uvula + Mod Rad Neck Diss.(15 rmvd, 4 w/cancer), IMRT 33x. Cmpltd 5/9/05.