Dearest Brenda, you have been such an amazing strength and support to me when I was first diagnosed and while I was at my scaredest (is that a word?...ok then, 'fraidycat-est')just want to let you know I am sending a Prayer up for you they'll be are coming from this side of Earth too! Stay you. Its your turn to be pamperered even if just by soothing words, and I hope and pray and believe in the best for your results to be treatable and make that MINOR treatable! I also wish we all lived closer. More sense is spoken on this Forum than on any other forum about any topic! (Must mean only the most intelligent people get Cancer!) wink My love and my thoughts are with you tonight. Bless you, Lyn (from Oz) XXXXX

Tongue Cancer SCC Removal of 2/3 of right side tongue, neck disection-34 lymph nodes removed. flap for new tongue made from left wrist in 2007. Now (mid 2011) speech has been back to normal since early 2009, and Im back working as a singer. So far so good!
2016... Still cancer free! Yay.