I am angry about the side effects of the radiation but I am thankful that the treatments killed the cancer and I am aware that things could be much worse. I am angry that my mouth is constantly dry. I am angry that I can no longer eat the way I used to, or even eat the kinds of foods that I used to. I am angry that I am no longer my old self and I do NOT like my "new" self. I am angry that my social life has been uprooted because I can no longer go to a movie with my friends and eat popcorn or go out to eat with them anywhere! People have told me all along that it will get better. Well, I don't know if I believe that or not. It has been almost a year since my last treatment and things are not much better at all. I feel like I've just been dumped out on the street to fend for myself after being rushed through an assembly line of treatment. Sorry, I just had to vent.

Nine years out. New normal with limitations, but surviving and living life to the fullest.