Hi Gary---I should have mentioned that I am getting scoped every two months! No mirrors though. I am 7 months post TX, I will be due again for chest x-ray in August. As far as the thyroid goes, it is very likely that I will be having it removed in the next few months because of suspicious nodules. As for other bloodwork, what would they be looking for? My MO last ordered bloodwork in June, but I requested it in December because I suspected I was anemic(I was).

Left tonsil SCC, HPV+. T2N0M0. Tonsillectomy 3-07, bilateral radiation, cisplatin 3x, Tx completed 6-06. Clear PET 4-01-2008.
Thyroidectomy 5-9-08, resulting in permanent surgically-induced hypoparathyroidism and adrenal problems. Bummer.