Oh my gosh... this is a total rollercoaster ride! Quick update, on Wed they tried to do it thru his mouth and the tube wouldn't fit down his throat because the tumor is closing in on both sides. Thursday, they attempted the PEG but couldn't do it because his colon and liver are in front of his stomach. So NOW, they want him to have it done with a surgeon in the OR to see if it can de done that way. Here's the kicker... can't see the darn doctor until NEXT Wednesday for a consult, with the surgery scheduled for NEXT Friday!!! All the while, he is having difficulty eating. Poor Guy! The radiologist and the surgeon are going back and forth with each other because the radiologist doesn't want treatment interupted, and the surgeon says, but he needs food. So that is why surgery on a friday, so he doesnt miss treatment. He will have to be in hospital for a few days. I know those of you who have been through all of this can understand and sympathize. I just want him to be able to have some nourishment at this point!!! frown

Thanks for always being here to answer my questions,listen to me vent, and to lift me up! LOVE this message board!

Dad: Age 65 Heavy smoker/drinker. Biopsy-No surgery. Cancer base of tongue/throat. "Invasive Squamous Carcinoma RRT" --Beginning 1/9/08: IMRT treatments (5X/wk),chemo pills (4/day) and Chemo IV (once/wk) PEG tube inserted 1/25/08. Treatments ended 2/26/08

JUNE 30, 2008 Officially CANCER FREE!!!