Will be better after Tuesday. I still have to go through neck surgery this month but after Rad and Chemo that should be a piece of cake. Overall I think I am doing good...maybe 90%. Did a business trip to DC last week (drove) and was a bit tired. Can't do the 12 hr days anymore. Working normal schedule and doing some walking/yard work so .....I can eat most foods(some don't taste very good yet).

Beaufort is a great town. I may have mentioned that we have an old fishing shack on the Pamilico River. Middle of no where, we are 45 minutes from a store !! Southeast of Little Washington.


Bill Van Horn-53 ex-smoker, social drinker, Biopsy 8/24, Diagnosed 8/30/07 BOT T2N2-B MX Stage IV. Started treatments 10/1/07. IMRT 35 x, Cisplatin - 3 cycles - completed treatment 11/16/07. CT Scans on 1/15/08 all clear Selective neck dissection 1/28/08. All nodes clear.