
First of all, I can relate, and am so sorry for your loss. I know this sounds strange, but if I had never experienced the loss of several close family members before my husband's recurrence, I don't know that I could have handled it as well. You are in my prayers.

Please know that you have friends here who are more than willing to help you during this time.

I'm sorry that you don't feel like you can confide in your family, but I totally understand. Like you, our families are pretty much engrossed in their own self-inflicted, petty dramas, and can't bring themselves to help during this time. Not to imply that this might be your plight, only to say I understand how hard it can be to rely on those that should be there for you.

Please let us help. Keep us updated, and know that there are people here who feel for you........even if you can't hug them in person.


Stage III tonsil, Dx 8/14/2002,chemo and rad...reoccurance 8/3/07,Base of Tongue,vocal cords,stage IVA,total larynectomy and glossectomy 9/4/07 with pec flap...reoccurance Nov. '08 and Feb. '09 (positive margins remained after each operation) Second pec flap May 7, 2009. Still positive margins.