I wrote awhile back with very few responces so I know how you feel Tony.
I had a Pharyngolaryngectomy, Rad neck dissect W/reconst, free skin flap W/microvas, done at The Hospital of the University of Penn. Also going Monday to meet with Photodynamic therapy Dr.
When I first spotted the blood back in mid. May I freaked and was writing here like crazy, with very few responces.
Now I understand why, probably noone at this site has ever had it done, silly me I thought it was a common procedure.

So far it's been the worst experience of my life.
I was operated on 6/13, then a bloot clot 6/14 that nearly lost the skin flap, then on 6/15 I had a bleeder and they had to do surgery one more time.They say this NEVER happens.

Right now have stoma,feeding tube, my left arm and shoulder are messed up and get tired very easy.

I'm doing better everyday, live one day at a time. The last 3 days I had a severe Hive outbreak that nearly made me go insane LOL especially because I have an apt. 7/30 and don't know what I'd do if I got an attack enroute.
Probably take more Benadryl.

I sure can sypathize with you Tony, but see your not alone as noone here that I know of had this procedure either. Like somebody said on here "knowing we aren't going to die of cancer anytime soon" is the only thing that can help us through these rough times.

Best of luck to all of you
