There seems to not be enough info given out after the big yank( and also before, in my case). The doctor that gave me the yank was very blase about it. When my oncology nurse called yesterday she was quite surprised that 1) the doctor didn't even give me lidocaine, and 2) I didn't receive any paperwork for after care. Who knew you were not supposed to drink carbonated drinks after? My PEG was placed and removed at a different hospital than I was receiving treatment at. I feel like my PEG issues got the short shrift. I am in a study group of patients so the study nurse was going to make a note of lack of attention to PEG issues in her report.

Left tonsil SCC, HPV+. T2N0M0. Tonsillectomy 3-07, bilateral radiation, cisplatin 3x, Tx completed 6-06. Clear PET 4-01-2008.
Thyroidectomy 5-9-08, resulting in permanent surgically-induced hypoparathyroidism and adrenal problems. Bummer.