Cathy, Thanks again for the reply. I had 18 tubes inserted across the base of tongue and came out under the chin. Had a trach inserted and feeding tube in the nose while I stayed in the hospital in Pittsburgh for 7 days. I had 2 treatments a day for 3 days. One more question. Did you ever have surgery to remove the tumor? Or was it non-existent after the treatments? They told me if the treatments didn't work, I would have to get surgery done to remove the tumor. But they are saying the tumor goes all the way across the tongue. It didn't show up though on the pet scan I had before I began treatment. Is this normal? If anyone else out there is reading this and has heard of this, please share with me. Thank you!

Dx3/20/06 SCC,BOT,1N Tx:5cycles Carbo/Taxol, Rad:35x, brachytherapy:6x, completed 7/24/06