My husband (BOT SCC--finished treatment June 04) has had HBO treatments and after that a round of CIPRO (antibiotic)& finally acheived healing of exposed jawbone after 18 months of waiting. (Bone was exposed due to tooth extraction done just 5 days prior to start of radiation.) We had just about given up on healing and were very concerned about his pain and narcotic use. Things were looking great for several weeks after the eventual healing, but several weeks ago, a strange looking area has appeared in his mouth. Looks like a raw place and has a white cover/"skin" over it until washed away with syringe (no needle)and water. Goes to doctor on June 12 and may have to have another biopsy to check it out. Afraid they may decide this is bone death/ORN and procede w/ jaw replacement OR that it might be recurrance of cancer. Anyone had this problem?