I would add to what Brian wrote is to try some xylitol dental gum (one brand is XyliMax, there may be others) -- this gum was developed to chew after eating to reduce or eliminate the sugars in the mouth (thus reduces risk of caries) and to increase the production of saliva. Obviously the latter won't work if you have no salivary fnction left but most patients who got IMRT have some, but it probably needs some boosting. The chewing action alone stimulates saliva. We get the gum from our dentist, it comes in several flavors including a non-irritating fruit type.

My husband finds that chewing the gum actually works better (for him) than anything else incuding the various Oral Balance products, but he does use a squirt of the OB liquid at night before going to bed.

He is trying Numoisyn lozenges and didn't find much change in first few days -- he's in England now so not sure how they've panned out -- the literature indicates it takes several days for full relief. There is a liquid for persons with no salivary function.

Finally, Evoxac (an oral med) is generally considered to be superior to Salagen, fewer side-effects and better effectiveness, per our ENT (who takes it herself) and our dental oncologist, a saliva expert.


CG to husband Barry, dx. 7/21/05, age 66, SCC rgt. tonsil, BOT, 2 nodes (stg. IV), HPV+, tonsillectomy, 7x carboplatin, 35x tomoTherapy IMRT w/ Ethyol @ Johns Hopkins, thru treatment 9/28/05, HPV vaccine trial 12/06-present. Looking good!