Hello Rhonda,
Leon seems to be close to what I went through or at least similar, I had the same right tonsil removed 10/7/05, 33 IMRT and three chemo treatments 11/01/05-12/16/05, modified neck dissection 01/11/06 had Peg removed first week of feb. Rhonda I lost about 35-40 lbs but have since gained about 25 back, I have about 80% of my taste back and about 50% saliva, it is gonna happen for Leon also , could be any time now, he has to keep trying things. I relied on yogurt for the longest time also some pudding. The last taste to return to me was salt. If you were to diagram the taste buds on your tongue the tip is sweet, the sides are for salt and the back for sour and bitter, those are the main taste components of taste buds. Since he had IMRT for tonsil it would effect mostly the side of the tongue(salt). Since salt is in the majority of the food that we consume here in the west (at least cooked foods)it makes sense that he cannot taste much , maybe try some sweet things. It is gonna come back for him . Leon Hang in there my friend it will get better and those taste will get better and you will savor them. I too was that one meal a day person, not any longer, three a day with breakfast as a big kicker, poultry susage, scrambled eggs, a garlic bagel, milk and OJ it will be happening soon my friend .