Robin - The lump in the jaw is familiar to me. After my rad tx, I had a number of odd after effects - some that lasted for months. One of those effects was a bump/knot/lump on the side of my jaw. Two of these came and went within a few days and were never dramatic. One lasted over a month though it was slowly shrinking. My rad onc gave the condition a name, but I was too foggy then to remember it now. Healing tissues can do some odd things - especially radiated tissue. Hang in there, and come back and tell us your news, Tom

SCC BOT, mets to neck, T4.
From 3/03: 10wks daily multi-drug chemo,
Then daily chemo with twice daily IMRT for 12 weeks - week on, week off. No surgery. New lung primary 12/07. Searching out tx options.