
I do not know if my hubands situation is the same as yours. He did have 2/3 of his tongue removed, some floor of mouth & neck dissection with a peck free flap.
Last year he also saw a plastic doc to fix his jaw from the original surgery (nonunion from original jaw split) he was going to free up his tongue at the time of that surgery, but the surgery took 14 hours and they said they didnt have time to free the tongue. They were worried about him being under so long. My husband did have a stroke during that surgery (didnt know till next day) so he has not really been in a hurry to have anymore surgery. I really dont know if he will ever get it freed up. He can eat, not well but he can get down mashed potatoes ect. so for now he is happy being able to do that. He had his peg tube in for a little over 2 years.

Hope all is well,