
That's funny, I told him the same thing! Your thin but your free of cancer!He always had a high metabolism and had a hard time gaining!He's a little guy 5'8 and 125lbs right now. We'll try the protein drinks and see what happens!Thanks so much for your help!

I'm sorry about Harry being back in the hospital. I hope he is feeling better and home soon. I think he had the same tx as Rod, 7 weeks radiation and 3 rounds of chemo (cisplatin/5fu. Did he have a peg tube also? I don't think Rod used his correctly or maybe he would not have lossed as much weight. He was only putting in like 3 cans a day. His anxiety was terrible through out the whole thing and didn't have a lot of support from family. I live 5 states away and tried to be there for him with ALOT of talking on the phone! Anyway was there a certain kind of protein drink Harry liked that you could recommend? Rod would love an extra 20lbs!lol He was so excited when he went from 110lbs at the end of tx to 125. Thanks so much & will pray for Harry to be home soon!

Mark, Rod is the same as far as the bread, he can pretty much eat anything but bread. He tries with alot of water. He eats alot of pancakes too!I have to laugh though because every time I call him he is eating!!! He doesn't have alot of patience which it sounds like is the answer right now.He is always weighing himself. I told him to STAY off the scale and try the protein drinks for a month and see what happens. He has alot to be thankful for and this is a minor bump in the road compared to what he has been through!Anyway thanks so much for the reply!I really appreciate it! God bless! MAureen

maureen (friend to Rod SCC tonsil diag. Mar 04 stage 4 -concurrent rad. & chemo) Finished tx July 04