
My doctor gave me a sample of a product called "Scarless" that worked wonders on the the scar from my neck dissectomy, a friend's facial scar from being hit between the eyes with a softball and another's total abdominal hysterectomy. I bought it off the internet, it was a little pricey, but a little goes a long way. My doctor said it was like silicone for a caulking gun, didn't recommend using caulking silicone, but for some reason, this stuff works.

While my scar healed beautifully from my ear to my trachea on the right, it is wider over my trachea/thyroid area. It is however very soft and hides in a natural fold on my neck. My doctor swears by this stuff and massage.

Hope this helps. Private message me if you want the internet address for the stuff.


SCC of Tongue Stage 1 (T1,N0,M0)
partial glossectomy,modified neck dissection 4/14/03