Hi, I had a PEG for 2 1/2 years, It was changed every 3 months at Radiology Dept. I think I had every problem you could have with a PEG because I had it so long. If she is tapeing it tight it may have pushed in to far, I use to have to ajust mine when it felt painful. I am allergic to tape(if its not one thing its another!) so I used to tops of old panty hose to keep it in place. I felt this worked better, kept it in place and let air get on it.Loose clothing is good also, so it does not get pulled on and hurt.I could not have made it without my tube, plus nutrition, fluids, and all my meds were in liquid form and I put them thru the tube. If they did not have liquid at the drug store , they had it brought in, only took a couple of hours. We never had to crush anything. A new tube would seem in order right now to start. Good Luck.PS; Would you believe I actually miss it?

gnelson, StageIV, cancer free since Nov.9,2000