Molly.......I remember thinking that if I could just get through chemo and radition that I'd automatically begin to feel better. Unfortunately that was not the case. Chemo and radiation continue to do their work long after the actual treatment has stopped and that is one of the reasons your sister is still not feeling well. That, and just the fact that treatment for Oral Cancers are just down right tough to get through, and the side effects horrible. I had a host of ailments during and after treatment and stomach problems were defiantely one of them. However, anything that is giving your sister that much discomfort should probably be looked at by her doctors. It seems I was always calling one of my Doctors for something or another and I continued to do so until after about two months after treatment was completed. I think it was then that my ENT told me in a kind and gentle way not to bug him for every little thing---my point being--- don't feel bad about bugging the doctors when your sister is feeling so poorly. I constantly needed reassurance; I needed to hear from the Doctor that the way I was feeling was "normal" and if something wasn't normal, he was the first to hear about it. LOL I hope your sisters recovery begins moving along at a little faster clip! Keep us posted and know you're both in our thoughts! Sincerely, Donna

SCC first time 1989, with a diagnoses of 'cancer in situ' removed lesion, no other treatments.
SCC recurrence 1997 of tongue and floor of the mouth. Stage III /IV Hemmiglossectomy (removed over 60% of tongue/ floor of the mouth), free flap, modified neck, RAD and Chemo(cisplatin, 5fu) simutainously.
Cancer free 6, yes, six, years!