Hi Patty,

My mom's situation is different (she could never have the surgery just rad and chemo) but I know what you mean about impending doom - I just want you to know that no matter what the docs say everyone is different - If you've been reading these posts for awhile you'll see how many people do better than ever expected - Keep hope always - It has been so difficult for my family and for me (I'm the only child and very close to my mom) There are days I feel my mom can bounce back from anything - We almost lost her the week of October 6th (she was on a respirator!) Now she is home and so far holding her own - No food by mouth since March (PEG is a lifesaver) Life is so different but we are together and dealing with it as best we can - Please hang in there and we are here for you - Take care and get sleep whenever you can - Everything is a little easier when you are rested. wink
