
Hi my name is Mary and I am caretaker for my husband John. He had his surgery in June 03. His pre,and post-operations were diagnosised as Left base of tongue malignancy and Supraglottic malignancy. The operation was several parts, direct laryngoscopy,esophagoscaopy, left modidfied radical neck dissection sparing intrnal jugular vein and spinal accessory nerve, right functional neck dissection , rececton of left base of tongue maliganancy via though the chin and suraglottic laryngectomy. This also included having a skin graft plus vein for left arm to rebuilt, everything that was removed. He also had a trac, and a peg tube. He lost the blood supply to his tongue about 2-3 wks after surgery, and the doctor removed all but the back left side. I didn't John would take again but with practice he is speaking, not like you or me, he has trouble with some of the sounds because he doesn't have a tongue to press against the teeth or left up in the back of throat. But we pratice together. Since the surgery he hasn't been able to eat, living off the peg tube. I don't think he will ever eat again, at least not like before. John had 3 different masses 2cm 2.5cm and 10.8cm. I don't know if any of this helps, or is too much. So far we are cancer free. God willing we will stay this way. Hope I have help.


Mary caretaker for John, diagnosised 6/03, stage 1V,left base tongue,epiglottis, left side 3/72, right side 2/12 nodes postive metastatic basaloid squamous,with perinodal soft tissue both sides. Rad 5580 cGy 31 fractons 8wks.