Hey Marty.
You are right. I have done so. Sharlee has done so. I'm sure we are not alone on this. I do not know why, but it's like a big deal for them?(reporters) I would think they would say hey, WE can make a difference here. I have been sending them the Oral Cancer Facts which is on the home page. The OCF website itself. I have spoken with 3 reporters. I do not know why a bell just doesn't go off in their head??? I was reading up on "The Associated Press" website today. I also have been pushing the fact that 4-16 thru 4-22 is National Oral Cancer Awareness Week! I have given them the website, saying all your legwork is done. I explained about how early detection is key! And just the simple lack of knowledge is contributing to the late stage detection of the disease. It's human nature when you get involved in something you jump in running. :rolleyes: When you read the stories here about misdiagnosis it's frightening. I just posted 2 days ago in activisim under the post missed or misdiagnosis an article that was in Parade this Sunday called "The Most Dangerous Medical Mistake". 90,000 Americans will die this year from medical errors. Misdiagnosis is the leading error. 15%! 15% of all people seeking medical attention will be misdiagnoist! mad
You are right Marty! If each one of us individually could cause 1 article to be published....It would defy logic if it did not have an impact! OK team..that was my best Knute Rockne Impression. This is our time, our time!
READY?? ON THREE!!! laugh

DX 3-21-07 L tongue,SCC Stage IV (T3N2MO) TX Slash/Burn/Poison Method.
***Rapid Aggressive Recurrence 8-4-07 with same DX/TX. Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. Never Give Up! ****UPDATE**** Our dear friend Petey passed away, RIP 9-2-07