Just a short note to give an update regarding Buzz:
Yesterday had #28 of 33 IMRT; #6 of 6 chemo (carbo/taxol)

He has almost totally lost his voice now, and can barely whisper. He's taking 2-3 PEG feedings to supplement his soft-scrambled eggs, creamed potatoes & lots of gravy. Can you believe this dear man is STILL eating! He also drinks 3-4 BOOST and lots of water and sweet tea...can no longer tolerate the Gatorade because it 'burns'...he does choke easily, and has lots of mucous, but nothing unmanageable..N&V has been minimal following chemo..

He has driven himself to every radiation treatment - 90 miles roundtrip!

The negatives are: fatigue, ongoing yeast and his skin from the cheeks down to his chest on BOTH sides is burned beyond belief! The leathery skin has now begun to literally break open, 'run' and bleed. Rad dr. gave him new rx for this yesterday, but the pharmacy had to ORDER it, so he'll suffer til Monday night!

Buzz still walks with a limp, and has not had any PT. I wonder if it will be too late to get some therapy when he finally gets better?

He takes Ambien for sleep, and one Oxycodene early in the evening, as they cause nightmares if taken at bedtime.

Keep in mind that Buzz will be 77 in about 8 weeks. He has certainly been an inspiration to me, and I hope that his experience will encourage others who have fears of surviving rad & chemo following bilateral modified radical neck disection..

Kindly continue to remember BOTH of us in your prayers...only FIVE more IMRTS!

When we pray every night, we call each of you by name, and know that the Lord hears our petitions on your behalf!

If anyone has specific questions that you'd like to ask, please feel free to email me at: [email protected]

God bless each of you!

Lois & Buzz in NC

CG to 77 y/o hubby;SCC Alveolar Ridge; Wake Forest Baptist Hosp surgery: 07/19/07; bi mod radical resection/jaw replacement;
T2 N2-B M0 Stage IV-A
28 IMRT +
6 Paclitaxel/Carboplatin
Getting stronger every day!