It's been a long time since I have posted anything, but believe me, I have been reading everyday. My H finished radiation 2/14/07 and it has very slowly gotten better. He is doing very well. The feeding tube was horrific and I couldn't deal with it. He had it installed on 2/17/07 and went back 2 weeks later and forced them to take it was too painful, it leaked and it wouldn't heal. He & his Dr. really had a round of yelling because it was against Dr.'s orders. So, they removed it and his stomach wouldn't heal...he kept going back after a month of this and the Dr.'s kepts saying it was due to his immune system being down. Well, this rocked on like this until the end of June...he was referred to a wound care specialist and so on....I came home the day before he was to go to the wound care facility and he had pulled about an inch of tubing and a stitch out of his belly...2 days later the hole was closed. What a fiasco! Anyway, I hated the tube, but I believe it wasn't installed properly from the git go. He went for a Pet Scan and his thyroid lit up, then off to have a sonogram and the Dr. said if it was post rad, the sonogram would show that, but if not, then they would do a biopsy. So, they ended up doing a needle biopsy and now we are waiting for the results, which we should get next Friday. Please keep us in your prayers and know that this forum is the best their is for all - good and bad news! I read it all the time. Hugs to everyone!!! Paula

Caregiver to Husband 50 yrs.young-non smoker/non-drinker; Stage IV - all treatments stopped August 2009
Lost the battle November 23, 2010