Thank you all for your replies. I think Amy hit the nail on the head. They never did find a "source" for his issues, but they seem to have subsided and they're moving forward with his fifth chemo treatment today. Part of our concern and frustration was that this all happened over the weekend, so my dad's normal docs were not available.
Anyway, thanks for the insight. I hope you're all doing well.

Stephanie -
Father (60yr., nonsmoker, social drinker) dx 6/18/07 w/ Stage4a SCC tonsil. Mets to 3 LN. Induct. chemo (taxol,carboplatin,erbitux) 6/28-8/14; Concurrent Chemo(cisplatin&erbitux) w/ IMRT x 44 8/20-10/2. Surgery to come.