i got acid reflax and real bad heart burn and neasuea my frist round of kemo. so bad i ended up in the hospital for 4 days. just had my second round of cemo (cisplaten, toxitere and 5 fu ) and staded with the steriods, zofran, and ativan. started to get all the neasea back . cancer savivor friend said he took two o three puffs of marijana cigarette when the symptoms came on and it worked for him. After much reseach into this i have found 100's of people that have this work for them.they also end up off all that other pioson pills that are givin by doctors that have so much side effects. I have now been off all those pills for about 6 days and feel great except for being week and a few mouth sores. it has made me be more hungry even though it is hard to eat food taste like crap.it has also helped me sleep alittle better with out more piosion sleeping pills. good luck and hang in there. I only have 12 more weeks of treatment to go and i am done.

squamous cell carcinoma STAGE3