Hi everyone,
My husband is now almost halfway through his treatment (13 IMRT sessions out of 30 total and 1 carboplatin) and has suffered very little side affects as of yet. Every day I wake up wondering if this is the day things are going to turn bad and thus far we have been very blessed. He has put on 5 lbs so far during treatment because he shoves food in at every moment that he can so that when things do get worse he has some weight to spare. The only real side affect he has yet is that he has a somewhat dry mouth and his tongue is a little sore. We've switched him to softer foods so as to keep from aggrevating the soreness any more but everything still tastes pretty normal. Just wondering if there are others out there that went this long without complications and when they should start to kick in. I worry about him everyday especially when I read everyone's stories on this forum. I do consider us blessed though, that we have gotten this far without alot of complications. Every day is a blessing.