My dad is waiting for a mandible replace in the mid of June. In the mean time, developed a low grade fever. We took him to his reg. physician and said it was a sinus infection. Took some Zithromax and now has has swelling on the corner of his mouth where he has had lots of drainage since radiation and chemo.

With his face swelling up and corner of lip area totally red and warm, we called the CCC and they gave us a new antibotic for Cellulitis. 4 times a day. CCC (Comprehensive Cancer Center) said if he spikes a high fever to get him to emergency room.

Dad finished treatment in March and know a reoccurrence.

Anyone else have Cellulitis infections? How did you feel? Sorness, Redness, pussy? End up in hospital? Please share. Thanks.

Diagnosed in October 2005. 35 weeks of radiation and 3 chemo treatments. 6/21/06Right partial mandibulectomy in the right mandibular gingiva. T2, N1, MX Postive Margins. Aug. 06 came back and now passed away 4/8/07