Kerry - There is no magic to this that I know of. He has to eat. As he loses strength and weight, his symptoms get worse. As his weight goes up and his fluid intake goes up - his symptoms will decrease. How do people do this? They force themselves to eat - just like they force themselves to go back into the chemo room each day, and back into the radiation room each day. This has nothing to do with 'tastes good' - this has everything to do with "Feeling Terrible".

Please read him this message. How do people do this? They eat, and they eat a lot. It all tastes like tin foil, and they eat it anyway. They drink 3 or 4 times as much water as they think they can - and they actually feel a bit better.

You lose too much weight - you cannot finish the treatment, and you know where that leads. Lots of people beat this disease. You can too, but it isn't easy and it doesn't taste good. Drink high calorie nutrition drinks and get your calories in a hurry (yes, they taste like foil too). Don't worry about taste - be glad you have the ability to taste - it does get better.

You can do this. Get mad. Drink the Ensure. Drink the water. Don't let the beast win. Be strong. Tom

SCC BOT, mets to neck, T4.
From 3/03: 10wks daily multi-drug chemo,
Then daily chemo with twice daily IMRT for 12 weeks - week on, week off. No surgery. New lung primary 12/07. Searching out tx options.